Contingency Basis

You don't pay, unless we win.

Proven Experience

50+ years of experience in the courtroom.

Highly Rated

200+ Attorneys Ready to fight for you.


Get the Legal Expertise You Need to Secure the Compensation You Deserve

At Peterson Law Office, we believe in doing everything we can for Kentucky residents who have been injured due to negligence or otherwise wrongful acts. We take a client-centered approach to help struggling individuals and families get back on their feet again and move forward after tragedy strikes. No one should have to endure tragedy alone. When you call us, we always call you back. The attorney you talk to on the phone will be the same attorney you meet with in person at the firm.

Now Kentucky’s most powerful Plaintiff’s Law firm and one of Kentucky’s largest law firms with over 200+ attorneys, we are the firm insurance companies don’t want to fight. We’re here to hold those responsible for negligence accountable for their actions. If you have suffered from an injury in Kentucky that could have and should have been prevented, we invite you to get in touch with us today.

At Peterson Law office we have one goal, your recovery.  And by recovery, we don’t just mean financially. Our job is to get you back to the life you had before your injury in mind, body, and spirit. Our staff is available whenever you need us and is committed to doing everything we can to help our clients through a difficult time. Kentucky, Call Me!

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Practice Areas

Below you’ll find just a few of the types of personal injury claims we handle. At Peterson Law Office, we’re experienced in a broad variety of types of cases. If you don’t see your type of injury listed below, we encourage you get in touch with our firm regardless. We may still be able to help.

Our Clients Love Us

The Lexington personal injury attorneys at Peterson Law Office strive to help our clients in any way we can. Below you’ll find just a couple of our recent client testimonials where past clients have shared their thoughts about our legal services.

Why Peterson Law Office?

Why Choose Peterson Law Icon
Peace of Mind
As a private practice law firm, we’re committed to giving every client 100% of our time and dedication. When you choose to work with us, you can rest assured we’ll explore all angles of every claim we handle and build as strong of a case as possible.
Why Choose Peterson Law Icon
Proven Results
Peterson Law is the firm the insurance companies hate to fight. With millions of dollars in settlements for our clients, we continue to produce one success after another.

Why Choose Peterson Law Icon
Expertise Matters
200+ seasoned trial attorneys who know exactly what the insurers are looking for in evaluating your claims, which leads to significantly increased settlements.

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Litigation Experts
At Peterson Law Office, we understand the complexities of litigating a difficult case in front of a jury. We won’t hesitate to take on a complex case and treat every claim as though it might have to be presented in front of a jury.
Why Choose Peterson Law Icon
Contingency Fee Basis
When you file a personal injury claim with Peterson Law Office, you won’t have to worry about upfront costs. We operate on a contingency fee basis, which means you’ll never owe us anything unless your case succeeds.
Why Choose Peterson Law Icon
Always Available
Our staff is available whenever you need us and is committed to doing everything we can to help our clients through a difficult time. If there’s anything we can do to aid your recovery, get in touch with us.

If you have any questions about a potential personal injury claim, call us or fill out the form below to schedule a free, confidential case consultation. We’ll help you determine what steps you should take next.

Legal & Firm News

How Are Noneconomic Damages for Mental Anguish Calculated?

Two assessments occur with any severe accident: Who is at fault, and what will the remedy be for the victim? That reward is where the concept of pain and suffering comes into play. Compensation for an injury encompasses physical and emotional trauma. It is easy to assess the medical expenses, but how are noneconomic damages […]

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The Importance of Safely Restraining Your Pet While Driving

When it comes time to travel on the road, you might want to bring along your pet. While having your dog, cat, or other animals roaming around the vehicle may seem fun, it can pose a great safety risk. Sometimes, animals behave unexpectedly when exposed to other vehicles, the noise of the car, or other […]

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Can You Reopen a Settled Car Accident Case?

You were involved in a car crash in Lexington, KY. This was your first time ever being involved in an auto accident, and you weren’t aware of how the way you feel immediately following a collision may be distinctly different from how you feel in the day following it. You also might not have been […]

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