What Happens if Your Airbags Don’t Deploy in a Car Accident?
It took over sixty years after the first car rolled off the assembly line before seatbelts became mandatory in all cars. In the 1970s, car makers started to add an “Air Cushion Restraint System,” or airbags were offered as safety options. In 1988, Chrysler made the driver-side airbag standard. The other automakers soon followed, and […]
What Is Diminished Quality of Life in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?
You recently suffered debilitating injuries in a truck accident caused by someone else’s negligence or perhaps due to the international acts of another person. You are considering taking legal action against the person or entity whose actions harmed you here in Kentucky. In researching personal injury cases in Fayette County, KY, you’ve learned that there […]
Who Is Liable When Livestock Cause Car Accidents?
More than 100,000 car crashes occur in Kentucky every year, with nearly 20,000 reported injuries and 711 fatalities in 2022 according to the Kentucky Transportation Center. The vast majority of accidents involved colliding with another vehicle, and the most common causes were driver inattention, recklessness, and alcohol. However, nearly 3,000 car accidents involved colliding with […]
How Much Is the Average Car Accident Settlement in Kentucky?
Everything you own has a value. Some items might go up in value, but for most things, they would be priced at a depreciated value. What about the value of your quality of life? Can you put a price on that? When determining what the average car accident settlement in Kentucky might be worth, everything […]
How Long Should You Take Breaks on Long Road Trips?
Where are you headed on your next road trip? No matter where you’re headed, you certainly won’t be alone. According to a recent story on Fox Weather, 75% of the respondents to a travel survey noted they were planning a road trip. That planning can include mapping out routes, packing the car, and deciding what […]
How To Read a Police Crash Report
You were involved in an auto collision in Lexington, KY in which you suffered injuries. You secured the accident report in anticipation of notifying your insurer of your crash. You’ve come to learn that the report has so much more value, though, now that you’re hurt. You know that it may assist a car crash […]
How To Prove Nursing Home Negligence
The Ancient Greek Philosopher Aristotle was among the many great thinkers who explored the concept of cause and effect. He explained that “everything happens for a reason; for every effect, there is a specific cause.” Aristotle probably didn’t realize that would someday become the basis of every personal injury lawsuit. For example, in order to […]
Is Lane Splitting Legal in Kentucky?
Every trip in a car means you’re sharing the road with all kinds of vehicles. Those vehicles can be sedans, SUVs, semi-trucks, RVs, buses and motorcycles. All those drivers have a duty of care to drive responsibly, which means some version of “staying in your lane” unless you signal a change. That is when the […]
Is It Difficult to Sue a Nursing Home?
At a minimum, parents assume the responsibility for providing care for their children until those children move out on their own. That might happen when the child turns 18 and goes off to college. Even then, the parent still cares for that child. When those same parents reach a certain age and face physical or […]
What Are the Window Tint Laws in Kentucky?
The first car windshield was added to an auto in 1904 as an optional add-on. Back then, you could fold down the windshield and drive in the actual “open air.” It wasn’t until 1915 that Oldsmobile made the windshield standard, and the other carmakers followed. It took another twenty-five years before windshield wipers became standard. […]