What To Do if Your Car Catches on Fire

Published on Jan 23, 2024 in Product Liability.

Most of us have been there. We’ve been driving down a local Lexington street, or an interstate, or perhaps one of Kentucky’s many state highways, when we’ve come across a big plume of smoke and traffic backed up for miles. As we inched closer to where the blaze was happening, we saw a car burning […]

Legal & Firm News

How To Talk to Your Loved Ones About Nursing Home Abuse

When you need to transition a family member to an assisted living facility in Kentucky, the hope is that they will receive the same level of care as they would get in your home. Sadly, many of these facilities are either understaffed or have poorly trained employees. That puts resident care at risk. If you […]

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Can You Still Recover Compensation If You Weren’t Wearing a Seat Belt?

Since seat belts became standard in new cars, the number of injuries has decreased. According to data compiled by the Kentucky Office of Highway Safety, the seat belt usage rate is around 89.8 percent. Sadly, half of all fatal road accidents happen to motorists who don’t buckle up. Whether a motorist or passenger uses those […]

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What Are the Elements of Negligence in a Personal Injury Claim?

A lot of personal injury claims can become quite complex early on in the process and one of the main reasons for this is the need to prove negligence. Proving negligence caused an accident can be the deciding factor in the success of some cases, such as in a wrongful death claim, or if the […]

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